All International Students are provided with a copy of the Mentone Grammar International Student Handbook.

This document is also available upon request from the Registrar. A selection of the handbook is also provided online.

Victoria is a safe, friendly and welcoming study destination, offering students an enviable lifestyle that nurtures success and the confidence to take steps forward in life. Victoria’s leading school education system, classroom facilities, welfare support and English language centres make Victoria one of the world’s best education destinations.

Victorian primary and secondary studies are structured so that each calendar year represents the completion of a year level of study (40 weeks). The school year starts late January/ early February. The school year is divided into two Semesters (four Terms). 

The holiday breaks occur between Term 1 and Term 2 (usually 2 weeks), Term 2 and Term 3 (usually 3 weeks) and Term 3 and Term 4 (usually 2 weeks). Please refer to our Term Dates on our website.

Students studying in Year 10 are usually about 16 years of age and students studying Year 12 are usually 17 or 18 years of age. Year 12 is the last year of secondary school and is designed to prepare students for university or other tertiary education. Entry to tertiary courses is dependent upon the score the students achieve in their VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education). Mentone Grammar welcomes international students in Years 10-12.

In Victoria the highest qualification a student can obtain from secondary school is VCE. To qualify, students must study for a minimum of two years (Years 11 and 12) and pass at least 5 subjects throughout that two year course. English is the only compulsory subject (At Mentone Grammar all international students must study English as an Additional Language (EAL).

In some instances, students may be eligible for credits for semester units completed in their home countries. You should ask your education agent or us about this. For VCE level courses (Year 11 and Year 12) you may refer to directly to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment at

The Australian Government provides the following advice for international students studying in Australia.

Australia is generally very safe and welcoming place to live and study, consistently ranking among the safest countries in the world (

But it is still important to look after yourself and be aware of the risks that exist - and ways to minimise them. This is particularly important for when you first arrive and are adjusting to your new way of life.

Following your common sense and best practices will ensure you remain safe and healthy, whether you are handling emergencies, personal and home safety, or natural elements such as sun, water, and fire.

For more information about the costs of living and how to keep yourself safe in Australia, please visit:

To study in Australia you will need to apply for both admission to a School and also for a student visa from the Australian Government.

There are a number of steps you must go through including:

  • Deciding on your preferred school;
  • Submitting your application to the school;
  • Receiving and accepting a Letter of Offer;
  • Receiving your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE); and
  • Applying for your student visa.

There is a range of entry requirements that you will need to meet both for you institution application and your visa application. 

This can include:

  • Academic requirements;
  • English language requirements;
  • Evidence of funds to support your study;
  • Overseas student health cover.

Mentone Grammar is the benchmark for outstanding co-education in Melbourne, Australia from our Early Learning Centre through to Year 12. We are a school that is both rich in traditions and highly contemporary in our practice.

Mentone Grammar(曼通文法学校)是澳大利亚墨尔本优质教育的杰出代表,涵盖幼儿园至12年级。我校的教学实践高度融合了传统与现代的教育理念。

Mentone Grammar has a history of exceptional academic achievement, including our VCE results, due to the collective dedication of our students, our rigorous academic program and the support of our staff. Mentone Grammar students further their education at prestigious Australian universities such as the University of Melbourne and Monash University.

 曼通文法学校一贯突出的学术成就,特别是优异的毕业生VCE (澳大利亚维州高中毕业证书和高考)成绩,是我校严谨的课程设置下,全校师生共同努力的硕果。曼通文法学校的历届毕业生进入澳洲知名学府进行深造,如墨尔本大学和莫纳什大学 。

Each year, Mentone Grammar welcomes international students in Years 10 – 12, as we have done for over 65 years. We are acknowledged as a dynamic and supportive learning environment which offers outstanding opportunities for all of our students. From the moment that our international students enter our School, they are welcomed and supported as part of the close-knit Mentone Grammar Community. 

在过去的65年间,曼通文法学校每年都会迎来 10-12年级的国际学生。我校营造的愉悦且全面支持学生的教学环境为社会所认可,并为广大学生提供了实现自我的广阔舞台。从国际学生进入学校的那一刻起,他们就会成为和睦亲密的曼通文法学校大家庭的一份子,得到各方面的支持与帮助。

Mentone is a safe and welcoming community that is ideally located by the beach on the picturesque Port Phillip Bay. Just 20kms from the Melbourne CBD, Mentone is well-connected by public transport including trains and buses.


Students interested in enquiring about a place at Mentone Grammar should consult the School’s website or a nominated education agent. A list of Mentone Grammar’s Registered Education Agents can be accessed via our website. Online application is available.


Please note: Mentone Grammar requires all international students enrolled at the School, irrespective of age, to obtain homestay accommodation approved by the School. Students are not permitted to live independently or without adult supervision, and are required to have a caregiver for the duration of their enrolment.

请注意: 曼通文法学校要求我校所有注册的国际学生,不分年龄,必须选取经学校认证的寄宿家庭 。登记在册期间,学生必须有监护人陪伴,不允许独自居住,亦不允许无成年人监管下居住。 

To be eligible for a place at Mentone Grammar in Years 10 - 12, an international student must show documented evidence of good grades in academic subjects studied in the previous school(s).  English competence must be at an appropriate level prior to enrolment. Additional school based testing in Mathematics and English maybe required.

We require a minimum Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) score of 50 (intermediate) and stanine 5 (average) to apply and a minimum score of 70 (upper intermediate) and stanine 5 (average) to attend a pre-enrolment interview.

Mentone Grammar will not enrol an international student that hasn't met the prerequisites.

The cost associated with the English language proficiency testing must be met by the applicant’s family on each occasion. Please note the AEAS report is valid for 12 months. 

For further information regarding please visit the Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) website. The AEAS webite in English is There is a link on the page for other languages. The website has information regarding test location and times.

It should be noted that Mentone Grammar will work with international students to ensure success but cannot guarantee that students will:

  • successfully complete their studies;
  • successfully complete their VCE; and/or
  • gain entry into a tertiary institution. 

International students entering Years 10 - 12 should take the Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) at least 6 - 12 months prior to their anticipated commencement date. This gives them time to plan their English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) course to ensure they are ready to commence school at the beginning of the academic year. 

  • International students applying for Year 11 or 12 entry must start in Term 1.
  • International students applying for Year 10 entry can start in Term 1 - Term 3.

Orientation programs are an important part of the student support program that Mentone Grammar offers to international students. The orientation process should prepare new international students to fully participate in the academic and co-curricular programs offered by the School. It should also provide the students with the necessary information to help a smooth transition to life and study in a new environment.

Students are given information regarding support services available to help them and they meet the staff providing these services. Students also learn about the structure of the School, study courses, expectations, learning goals and outcomes.

The orientation programs organised for all new students to the School. They are based on the year level (campus) of entry and they have a focus on familiarising the new students with the School, its programs, the students at their level and school routines. International students need more intensive and individualised programs to cover many of the aspects of studying not only in a new school but also a new education system and country, often without the support of parents.

International Students (aged under 18 on a CAAW) are provided with an International Student Safety Card at the time of commencement in order to ensure that the student can contact responsible persons in the event of an emergency. This card include the homestay accommodation provider's (host) address, home telephone number, mobile number and e-mail address.

The card also provides the following details for students in case of an emergency:

  • Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
  • Commonwealth Ombudsman
  • Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority
  • 24 hour Mentone Grammar emergency contacts (Campus and additional emergency contacts)

Mentone Grammar welcomes international students in Years 10-12.  The course is based on the Australian Curriculum up to year 9 and then the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), both developed and supported by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The course information on our website should be read in conjunction with Mentone Grammar’s Teaching and Learning Publication and Subject Selection information, available upon request from the Registrar. 

Mentone Grammar CRICOS Code: 00323C

CRICOS registered courses: Secondary 019037J & Primary and 0093557J

Students are required to attend Mentone Grammar’s course(s) face-to-face in school facilities on campus (63 Venice Street Mentone Victoria 3193). Mentone Grammar uses a wide range of teaching and assessment methods. Depending on course components, a student’s course may also include:

  • Online learning in class time or after school hours;
  • Approved excursions or learning journeys;
  • Approved work experience program;
  • Outdoor education activities; and/or
  • Approved studies that contribute to a student’s enrolled course but are delivered by another approved provider.

As a requirement of the student’s visa, international students must have health insurance in the form of Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) in place for the duration of their visa (a Department of Immigration and Citizenship requirement), or for their total study period, whichever is longer, before arriving in Australia. The OSHC provides medical and hospital insurance in Australia. 

The cost associated with the OSHC must be met by the applicant’s family. This amount is dependent upon the length of Visa. For further information please visit the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Department of Health.

There are a range of student support and welfare-related services available from the School at no additional cost. If a referral is made from the School to an external provider this referral will occur at no additional cost to the student.

Mentone Grammar offers support services to assist students adjust to study and life in Australia and to enable them to achieve expected learning outcomes.

Mentone Grammar expects 100% attendance. The Australian Immigration authorities and Mentone Grammar allow non-attendance for 20% of contact hours to cover occasional absences and illness, include illness supported by a medical certificate. Intentional students not attending school at least 80% of the time (including compulsory Saturday sport), over a term, are in breach of their visa conditions and may face is a cancellation. It is a visa and school condition that students must maintain satisfactory attendance and progress, if unsatisfactory the student may have their enrolment terminated at the discretion of the Principal an the student visa could be affected, or cancelled altogether.

If you are granted a student visa, you must abide by its conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions could result in the cancellation of your visa. These conditions include (but are not limited to):

  • Complete the course within the duration specified in the CoE
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • Maintain approved Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) while in Australia
  • Remain with the principal school  for six (6) calendar months, unless issued a letter of release from the provider to attend another institution
  • Notify the School of your Australian address and any subsequent changes of address within seven (7) days.

For a full list of mandatory and discretionary student visa conditions please visit

If an international student changes visa status (e.g. becomes a temporary or permanent resident) he/she will continue to pay full tuition fees for the duration of that calendar year. The family must provide proof that the student is living with a parent/legal guardian. Mentone Grammar does not allow local students on visas to live in homestay accommodation.

International students enrolled in school sector courses cannot transfer between registered providers prior to completing six calendar months of their first school course.

Mentone Grammar will assess student transfers in a reasonable time frame and will process any transfer requests and subsequent release at no cost to the student. Mentone Grammar asks international students, families and education agents to note that a term’s notice is required from the parent/legal guardian as per business regulations and agreements.

Prior to accepting a student wishing to transfer from another school, Mentone Grammar will apply criteria for entry pre-requisites and should be satisfied that the student has demonstrated a commitment to studies during the course, had good attendance record for the course, and paid all fees for the course.

Our Enrolments Team is here to provide you with all the information you need to make the right choice for your family and assist you with the process, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions or for more information on our facilities, programs and Community. We however cannot provide immigration advice. 

The Australian Government provides an extensive list of resources for international students.  For more information regarding the available resources, please find  information below for international students wishing to study in Australia.

Overseas Students Ombudsman- external site Commonwealth Ombudsman

Investigates complaints about problems that overseas students or intending overseas students may have with private education and training in Australia.

Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students - external site  Department of Education and Training

CRICOS is the official website that lists all Australian education providers that offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered. Search for information about courses offered by Australian education institutions.

Mentone Grammar CRICOS Code: 00323C

Visa holders and migrants - know your workplace rights - external site Fair Work Ombudsman

Find out what visa holders and migrants need to know before they start working in Australia.

Study in Australia- external site  Australian Trade and Investment Commission

Provides an introduction to the benefits of studying in Australia. You can search for courses, find out about study costs, and about living in Australia. You can also identify courses which meet Australia's registration, accreditation and quality assurance standards in your own country.

Study in Australia – visas and information- external site  Department of Home Affairs

Provides information for students who are considering studying in Australia.

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 – external site  Department of Education and Training

The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) sets out the legal framework governing delivery of education to international students in Australia on a student visa. The Australian Government, through the Department of Education and Training, administers the ESOS Act and its associated instruments.

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 - external site  Department of Education and Training

The National Code sits under the ESOS framework and provides standards for the conduct of registered providers and the registration of their courses.

Tuition Protection Service  Department of Education and Training

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is a placement and refund service for international students.

Mentone Grammar is regulated by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).  Students can contact VRQA at

At all stages of engagement with international students Mentone Grammar will develop and maintain policies and procedures so as to uphold a high standard of integrity and educational excellence, in accordance with the Education and Training to Overseas Students (ESOS Act) 2000 and National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018).

It is important that every international student considering applying to Mentone Grammar should carefully read and ensure they understand the implications of the ESOS Act. If you need help with understanding the various policies and procedures, we suggest you engage an approved Education Agent.

The information on our website should be read in conjunction with Mentone Grammar’s Prospectus and Teaching and Learning Publication, which are available upon request from the Registrar. The information, terms and conditions contained on the Schools website and Mentone Grammar’s Application, Acceptance and Schedule of Fees, form the basis of the agreement between Mentone Grammar and its international students and their parents/legal guardians.

Promoting Australia’s international education industry

Australia offers a high-quality education experience to overseas students across all sectors, ranging from schools through to English language and foundation programs, to vocational education and training and higher education.

By providing a fair and accessible system that supports overseas students, Australia has gained an enviable reputation as a popular study destination. The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislation is a robust framework that protects and enhances the experiences of overseas students in Australia.

International education can transform individuals, widening their intellectual horizons, opening them to new ideas and experiences, and extending their friendships. Their experiences, in turn, enrich Australian society and life.

The Australian Government acknowledges and values the contribution of overseas students who come to Australia from all over the world to study, live and work. The social and economic benefits of international education to individuals, institutions and the wider community, both in Australia and abroad, are well documented. In turn, Australia offers overseas students an enriching and high quality learning experience in a diverse cultural environment, helping to prepare them for a rewarding future. Australia’s natural assets, relaxed lifestyle and many tourist attractions make it one of the most appealing destinations in the world.

The benefits of international education and training depend on the quality of the courses and services provided to overseas students, and on public confidence in the integrity and quality of the international education sector.

The reputation and quality of Australia’s courses and international education services underpin long-term benefits for trade and foreign relations and are imperative to growth in trade in education services. The ESOS legislative framework is designed to uphold Australia’s high standards for, and commitment to, international education through a consistent national approach, and to support the integrity of the student visa system.

An overview of the ESOS legislative framework

The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and related legislation are designed to protect the interests of overseas students coming to Australia on student visas. The legislation aims to protect and enhance Australia’s reputation for quality education, to provide tuition protection and support the integrity of the student visa program.

The ESOS legislative framework is complemented by the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act) and Migration Regulations 1994 (Migration Regulations), the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act), and state and territory legislation relevant to the education and training of overseas students.

The National Code, its purpose and objectives

Under the ESOS Act, the purpose of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018) is to set nationally consistent standards and procedures for registered providers and for persons who deliver education services on behalf of registered providers. The National Code supports the effective administration of the ESOS legislative framework by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments.

The National Code 2018 comprises the following:

Standard1          Marketing information and practices: This standard sets out that registered providers must uphold the integrity and reputation of Australia’s education industry by ensuring the marketing of their courses and services is not false or misleading.

Standard 2          Recruitment of an overseas student: This standard sets out that registered providers must recruit responsibly by ensuring students are appropriately qualified for the course for which they seek enrolment, including having the necessary English language proficiency, educational qualifications and work experience. Students must have sufficient information to enable them to make informed decisions about studying with their chosen registered provider in Australia.

Standard 3          Formalisation of enrolment and written agreements: This standard sets out that registered providers must formalise their enrolment of overseas students through written agreements with overseas students. The written agreements protect the rights and set out the responsibilities of each party, as well as the courses and related education services to be provided, tuition and non-tuition fees payable, and refund policies.

Standard 4          Education agents: This standard sets out that registered providers must ensure that their education agents act ethically, honestly and in the best interests of overseas students as well as uphold the reputation of Australia’s international education sector.

Standard 5          Younger overseas students: This standard sets out that registered providers of overseas students aged under 18 must meet legislative or other regulatory requirements relating to child welfare and protection. Registered providers of overseas students aged under 18 must provide the students with emergency contact information and information about how to report actual or alleged abuse. Where the registered provider has taken on responsibility for the approval of welfare arrangements for a student who is under 18 years of age (for the purposes of the Migration Regulations), the registered provider must ensure the arrangements for the younger students are suitable, ongoing and appropriately managed until the student turns 18 years of age.

Standard 6          Overseas student support services: This standard sets out that registered providers must assist overseas students to adjust to study and life in Australia and have appropriate orientation programs that help overseas students to access the information and services they require.

Standard 7         Overseas student transfers: This standard sets out that registered providers must not knowingly enrol an overseas student wishing to transfer from another registered provider’s course prior to the student completing six months of his or her principal course (or for the school sector, until after the first six months of the first registered school sector course), except in certain circumstances.

Standard 8          Overseas student visa requirements: This standard sets out that registered providers must safeguard the integrity of Australia’s migration laws by supporting overseas students to complete their course within the required duration and fulfil their visa requirements for course attendance and course progress. Standard 8 sets flexible provisions to allow online learning while maintaining appropriate standards for overseas students to comply with student visa conditions.

Standard 9          Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student’s enrolment: This standard sets out that registered providers must appropriately manage the enrolment of their overseas students and ensure all necessary information about enrolments has been provided to the relevant government department by maintaining updated information in the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) database.

Standard 10       Complaints and appeals: This standard sets out that registered providers must ensure their overseas students have the right to natural justice protected through access to professional, timely, inexpensive and documented complaints handling and appeals processes.

Standard 11       Additional registration requirements: This standard sets out that registered providers must continue to meet the requirements for CRICOS registration and ensure the ESOS agency for the registered provider approves, and has up-to-date information on, specific aspects of the registered provider’s operations and any registered courses.

Australia’s international education quality assurance process

The ESOS legislative framework is administered by a number of agencies across the Commonwealth and states and territories. Their roles are outlined briefly below.

Australian Government 

Department of Education and Training

The Commonwealth Department of Education and Training is responsible for:

  • the overarching policy development and administration of the ESOS Act and its associated legislative framework, including the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) framework and the management of PRISMS
  • administrating ESOS-related charges for cost recovery
  • final registration or renewal and compliance motioning and enforcement decisions (including suspensions and cancellations as the ESOS agency for schools.

Tuition Protection Service

The TPS is a placement and refund service to assist overseas students whose registered providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures overseas students can either:

Department of Immigration and Border Protection

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (Immigration) is responsible for administration of the student visa program under the Migration Act and associated legislation. The ESOS framework also plays a role in ensuring registered providers uphold the integrity of Australia’s student visa program through their ongoing contact with overseas students during their stay in Australia. Under subsection 19(2) of the ESOS Act, registered providers are required to notify the Commonwealth when overseas students have breached their student visa conditions, such as by failing to maintain satisfactory course attendance or progress. The National Code 2018 sets out the course attendance, progress and completion requirements for overseas students that registered providers must monitor and report on.

State and territory governments

For schools seeking to register to provide courses to overseas students, the state, territory and Commonwealth systems are linked through the ESOS framework. Under ESOS, the designated State authority (DSA) plays a role in ESOS related functions in state and territory jurisdictions for:

The DSA makes recommendations to the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training to register a school as a registered provider, including any conditions on that registration. Some states and territories also have their own legislation relating to education services for overseas students within the relevant jurisdiction, and may use that legislation to take enforcement action against a registered provider where appropriate and necessary.

The effect of the National Code 2018

The National Code 2018 sets standards to ensure education services meet the needs and expectations of overseas students who come to Australia, and satisfy the objectives of the ESOS Act.

The National Code complements the strong quality assurance frameworks used by government agencies to oversee the Australian education system.

ESOS agencies may use information given by providers for other purposes in assessing their registration or compliance under the ESOS Act.

The National Code has legal effect as expressly provided for by the ESOS Act. Therefore, breaches of the National Code by registered providers can result in actions being taken against a registered provider under Division 1A in Part 6 of the ESOS Act, including suspension or cancellation of registration.